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SingPost will be ceasing their P.O. Box service on 31 March 2025. Accordingly, SingPost’s P.O. Box addresses no longer serve as valid addresses for service for transactions before IPOS with effect from 1 April 2025. Filers are to ensure that valid addresses for service in Singapore are used.
IPOS – IP Viet Nam Cap of 20 requests per year, further capped at 2 per month and 2 per entity per month. Unutilised number is rolled over to the next month, to a maximum cap of 4 per month. The current usage is 00/04. IPOS – DGIP Indonesia Cap of 10 requests per year, further capped at 1 per month and 1 per entity per month. Unutilised number is rolled over to the next month, to a maximum cap of 2 per month. The current usage is 00/02. [Updated as at 03/03/2025. Usage will be updated when a patent application is successfully placed on CS&E.]
IPOS Digital Hub will be undergoing system maintenance on 29 March 2025, 02:00 PM to 11:59 PM. Its services will not be available during this period. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.
Step 1
Domestic Route
Step 2
Request for Grant of Patent
PCT National Phase Route
Step 2A
International Application
Step 2B
Entry into National Phase
Step 3A
Request for Examination
Step 3B
Request for Search and Examination
Step 4
Request for Certificate of Grant
Step 5
Renew Patent
Apply for trade mark protection in Singapore
Step 3
Apply for trade mark protection overseas (Optional)
Renew trade mark
Apply for Registration of a Design in Singapore
Renew Design
IP Search
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