
1. Upload an image of your trade mark if it contains graphics or stylized text.

2. Type any alphanumeric text appearing in your mark under "Word(s)-In-Mark".

3. Type any Chinese Character(s) appearing in your mark under "Chinese Character(s)".

4. The system will generate (i) a list of image search results based on the uploaded image, and (ii) a list of text search results based on text provided. Please look through both sets of results whenever applicable.

5. New marks may not be found in the search results immediately due to backend processing.

6. lf you wish to search using a self-defined search logic, please use Advanced Search instead.

Upload an image for your trade mark
Your Trade Mark image

Size limit: 2 MB Format: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tif, .tiff, .bmp

S/N Thumbnail Application No. Class No. Applicant(s) Filing Date Status